It appears that there has been another twist in the ongoing saga between Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas. The former Game of Thrones star has decided to unfollow her sister-in-law, Priyanka Chopra, on social media. This development comes at a time when Jonas is involved in a custody dispute with Turner. On Friday, it was reported that Jonas filed to dismiss his divorce case in order to reach a settlement outside of court. The couple was married for four years and has two daughters, Willa and Delphine. Additionally, Jonas shared an ambiguous Instagram photo that showed his reflection in a mirror, along with the words "I am at the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing."
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Friday, 13 October 2023
Sophie Turner Unfollows Priyanka Chopra on Instagram!
It appears that there has been another twist in the ongoing saga between Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas. The former Game of Thrones star has decided to unfollow her sister-in-law, Priyanka Chopra, on social media. This development comes at a time when Jonas is involved in a custody dispute with Turner. On Friday, it was reported that Jonas filed to dismiss his divorce case in order to reach a settlement outside of court. The couple was married for four years and has two daughters, Willa and Delphine. Additionally, Jonas shared an ambiguous Instagram photo that showed his reflection in a mirror, along with the words "I am at the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing."
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